The Riley Cars Archive Heritage Trust



Following the tremendous success of last year's event, The Riley Cars Archive Heritage Trust are pleased to announce their 2nd Annual Spring Event at the Coventry Canal Basin on Saturday 5th April 2025 to display a selection of Riley cars. Coventry City Council continue to show their support for The Riley Archive and have granted permission to host the event. Coventry’s motoring heritage will be truly represented by this fine display of Riley vehicles.

You will be able to visit The Riley Archive at Unit 8 and view the replica of the first Riley car designed and built in 1898. Also on display is a 1903 Riley Cycle which is believed to be one of only two left in existence.

There are also books, manuals, magazines, and photographs to browse through as well as Riley memorabilia and trophies.

The RILEY CYCLE COMPANY was formed in 1896 at St Nicholas Street and was just 50 yards from the venue of the event which is also the home of the RILEY CARS ARCHIVE HERITAGE TRUST.

Car enthusiasts and owners, as well as the general public, are welcomed free of charge to our fabulous event.

Riley car owners are invited to apply to exhibit their vehicles although spaces will be limited.

Contact Mike Riley on 07745 795850